Over the past 20 years Libraries Alive has worked with more than 230 national, state, local government and commercial organisations to improve the impact and efficiency of library and information services. Our extensive customer base includes:
State Library of New South Wales
Lake Macquarie City Libraries
Willoughby City Council
Department of Defence
Northern Territory Library Service
Queensland Parliamentary Library
Commonwealth Parliamentary Library
State Library of Western Australia
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Bureau of Statistics
Australian Council for Educational Research
Australian Library and Information Association
Australian Institute of Family Studies
Alexandrina Library Service, SA
City of Prospect Council, SA
Bourke Public Library, NSW
Projects completed for these and many other customers tend to fall into four main areas:
Library and information services management and development, for example, customer and other stakeholder consultation for strategic planning in public libraries, development of library service standards and guidelines
Information organisation and management, often research related, for example, establishment of an information management system for a government department
Library and information technology, for example, specification, evaluation and replacement of library management systems
Training and staff development, for example delivery of a train-the-trainer course for readers’ advisers in public libraries.
Sherrey and Ian observe the Australian Library and Information Association’s Code of Professional Conduct.
Libraries Alive is the principal sponsor of Biblio Turismo, an informal group of motorcycling librarians who visit country libraries to raise their profiles within their communities.